Is your kid already going to the school but still wetting the bed at night?

Such is definitely a frustrating and exhaustive experience!

Bed-wetting is the most embarrassing issues that you might face because of your child. But, it is one of the most common ones. A research study conducted by The National Institutes of Health states that the habit of nocturnal enuresis is nothing but an involuntary urination process which happens after the age of 5 or 6 years and more than even 5 million children experience it. The experts even estimated that the ratio of bed- wetting children for boys versus girls is 2:1. So, boys suffer from this problem more than girls. Hence, you’re not the only parent seeking bed-wetting help for your kid.

Many parents know about limiting liquids after dinner, and often wake up the child in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. But those aren’t the only tricks out there.

What can work (oftentimes even better) for a bed-wetting child then?

Have a look!

Consult The Pediatrician

The pediatrician who is taking care of your kid is the person who knows your little one physically better than anyone else. The doctor can track how your child is progressing and offer practical and effective suggestions to get the situation under control. Mark Wolraich, Director of the Child Study Center at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, says the following:

“Whether your child is 5 and still wetting his bed, or he has started bed-wetting recently for no apparent reason, you need to discuss the situation with the pediatrician and to see why this is occurring. It is essential for the pediatrician to investigate whether these accidents are due to urinary tract infection, diabetes, stress, or other reasons.”

Offer Incentives

Offering incentives may be one of the smartest bed-wetting solutions where you can psychologically encourage your child to stay dry at night. This idea can work on a subconscious level of your kid and come up with the best results.

For example, you can use either a calendar or a grid chart, and give your child a sticker every night s/he doesn’t wet the bed. Tell him that when he will collect ten stickers then he can get a small toy or chocolate. It might take a while to collect ten, but you’ve got to be patient and keep encouraging them.

Check For Constipation

One of the biggest reasons why bladder problems happen in children is constipation. As per science, when the rectum is laden with a large amount of hard poop then there’s too much pressure on the bladder. This, in turn, causes bladder instability in children which can further lead to bed-wetting in children.

Dr Howard J. Bennett, M.D., author of the American Academy of Pediatrics ‘Waking Up Dry’ and a pediatrician in Washington D.C said, “All you parents out there should get back into the poop loop to let your child avoid bed-wetting. If you notice that your child is devoid of a regular bowel movement or passing very hard stool then it’s essential to increase his or her fluid intake. You must increase your kid’s fluid and fiber intake in the form of apple juice, fruits, veggies, whole grains, or other soluble fibers.’’

Encourage A Trip To The Bathroom Before Bed

Make sure that your kid is going to the bathroom before bedtime. Turn it into a part of your child’s nightly bedtime routine, and you will reduce the risk of him/her bed-wetting. Also, carrying your child to the bathroom before you go to bed is an effective way to keep the bed dry at night, although it might not be the best long-term treatment plan for curing chronic bed-wetting.

Don’t Let Thirst Get Overloaded

Most schools allow a child to drink from a water bottle during lunch and snack times. Encourage your child to drink during those times. Sipping water steadily throughout the day can prevent excessive thirst at the day’s end, thereby reducing the risk of drinking too much liquid at night, which can lead to bed-wetting.

Don’t Allow Bladder Irritants At Night

There are some foods which can cause irritation in your child’s stomach, and bring on bed-wetting. These include chocolate milk or cocoa, artificial flavorings, citrus juices, dyes, and sweeteners. These foods should not be a part of a child’s afternoon diet. By eliminating these from your child’s supper and post-dinner snacks, you can help your child get rid of this problem.

Don’t Blame the Kid

Getting angry with your child for wetting the bed and punishing him will do nothing except create pressure, which might even make the situation worse.

Scott J. Goldstein, M.D., an Instructor of Clinical Pediatrics at Northwestern University, School of Medicine in Chicago said, “It’s difficult to stop a child from wetting the bed, and you shouldn’t worry about it unless he is embarrassed and asks you for help.”

So, don’t make it a big deal out of your kid’s bed-wetting habit. Rather, reassure your child that s/he is not the only one who is suffering from this problem. Bed-wetting is a very normal thing among his/her age group.


This is how you can prevent your child from wetting the bed at night and feeling ashamed of it the next morning. Just keep these ideas in your mind and you will certainly be able to help your child get out of the problem of bed-wetting pretty easily.

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                 Lyla Morris is a Founder & Editor at She loves to write about Parenting, and Health

                Care tips as well.