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All Terrain Mobility Scooter / Best Mobility Scooter for Outdoors

All terrain mobility scooters allow for seniors and disabled individuals to enjoy a smooth ride over various types of outdoor terrains. These scooters are specially designed for use over uneven surfaces, such as gravel, cement, grass, and other rough or slightly bumpy grounds. Read more...

Standard mobility scooters are not always so suitable for use in outdoor spaces. Sometimes, the ideal option is to invest in an all-terrain scooter, which was designed for outdoor use. Actually, all terrain mobility scooters are usually more suited for outdoor use than indoor use, since, oftentimes, they are quite large in size, and can barely fit through doorways and hallways. 

Are you interested in a mobility scooter than can be used on all types of terrain, so that you can travel from one place to the next without any worry or concern of your scooter becoming ruined? Do you have limited mobility, but don’t want to remain confined indoors? 

There’s really no need for you to stay cooped up inside if you don’t want to. With an all terrain disability scooter, you can easily get where you need to go. Whether its a shopping trip, an afternoon with the grandchildren at the park, or a doctor’s visit, the all terrain mobility scooter can take you places! 

All Terrain Mobility Scooter Guide: How to Find the Best Mobility Scooter for Outdoors

Here is a guide which can help you to choose the best all terrain mobility scooter for outdoors, with all the right features for your needs. Our all terrain mobility scooters guide is thorough yet concise, so that you can discover everything you need to know about them without spending too much time doing so. 

Turning Radius

Turning radius means, in other words, how tight of a space the all terrain mobility scooter is able to turn in. The tighter the turning radius is, the less space the turn will take up. For example, a scooter with a 20 degree turning radius will require less maneuvering space than one with a 30 degree turning radius. When looking for an all terrain mobility scooter, if you plan on traveling the sidewalk and making tight turns, an option that offers a tighter turning radius would likely be helpful for you. 

Climbing Angle

The climbing angle of a 4 wheel all terrain electric scooter is what enables it to travel uphill. This is quite an important feature to take into consideration if your neighborhood has any hills, or if you plan on ever traveling through any kind of hilly terrain. If you are unsure as to whether you’ll only travel through leveled terrain, try to choose a mobility scooter with a climbing angle of at least 4-5 degrees. 

Comfortable Seat

If you plan on traveling around with this all terrain mobility scooter, it would be wise to choose one that has a comfortable seat, for a most comfortable ride. This will help you feel your best as you move from one place to the next. Of course, a comfortable seat is not mandatory, but it is a feature many users enjoy!


If you plan on taking your all terrain mobility scooter with you when you travel places, it may be a good idea to choose one that is compact, or is able to be disassembled and reassembled. This allows you to store it in the trunk, and prevents you from having to own a handicap accessible vehicle, or having to exert too much effort trying to maneuver the power scooter into your vehicle. 

Seat Height

If you are a bit taller or shorter than average (less than 5’4 or more than 5’10), before making a purchase, it may be worth your time to check and confirm that the seat height is ideal for your needs. An all terrain mobility scooter with a seat that is not high enough off the ground or too high up from the floor will not be comfortable for the user. To save yourself unnecessary disappointment later on, be proactive and find out the seat height now. 

Max Speed

Find out how fast the all terrain mobility scooter can travel. Some 4 wheel all terrain scooters have a max speed of less than 5 miles an hour, and the fastest mobility scooters can travel distances at a speedy 18 miles an hour. For safety’s sake, all terrain 4 wheel scooters usually don’t feature the capability to reach such high speeds, since they are utilized for riding over less smooth terrains, which should not be traveled over at high speeds.

Travel Range

The travel range is how long of a distance the all terrain mobility scooter can travel between charges. Some all terrain mobility scooters have a maximum driving range of 15 miles! If you’ll be traveling long distances, the practical choice for you would be a scooter that is able to travel a long range without a single charge. Alternatively, you can always take along a spare battery to increase the amount of time traveled between a charge. 

Weight Capacity

Be sure to check the weight capacity of the mobility scooter to ensure that it is able to easily bear your total body weight. Actually, if possible, it is better to choose an outdoor mobility scooter with a weight limit that is a bit higher than you need, since this can extend the battery life of the scooter per charge, and can also extend the lifespan of the scooter overall. 

Ground Clearance

Ground clearance is a crucial aspect which is definitely worthy of contemplation when it comes to choosing an all terrain wheelchair. So, what is ground clearance? Ground clearance is the shortest distance between the scooter and the ground underneath it. All terrain 4 wheel electric scooters should have a significant amount of ground clearance, since they are used for passing over rough outdoor terrains, which can have small obstacles strewn about. 

Degree of Seat Rotation

Seat rotation is very helpful, since it allows you to turn yourself toward whichever direction you prefer. An added benefit of seat rotation is that it eases the process of transferring in and out of the seat of the all terrain electric mobility scooter. If the individual riding the rough terrain mobility scooter may require assistance with transferring, or may find it difficult to get in and out of his scooter on his own, be sure to look into the degree of seat rotation when choosing a scooter for him.

Other Features to Consider

Other features worthy of consideration include a horn, the weight of the scooter, and how much storage space the scooter has (is there a carry-on basket?).

Are you trying to find a regular or heavy duty all terrain mobility scooter that will suit your needs? Check out the selection at AvaCare Medical. If you have any questions regarding these scooters, don’t hesitate to contact us - just dial 1.877.813.7799, and a friendly customer care representative will be happy to help you out!

Degree of Seat Rotation

Seat rotation is very helpful, since it allows you to turn yourself toward whichever direction you prefer. An added benefit of seat rotation is that it eases the process of transferring in and out of the seat of the all terrain electric mobility scooter. If the individual riding the rough terrain mobility scooter may require assistance with transferring, or may find it difficult to get in and out of his scooter on his own, be sure to look into the degree of seat rotation when choosing a scooter for him.

Other Features to Consider

Other features worthy of consideration include a horn, the weight of the scooter, and how much storage space the scooter has (is there a carry-on basket?).

Are you trying to find a regular or heavy duty all terrain mobility scooter that will suit your needs? Check out the selection at AvaCare Medical. If you have any questions regarding these scooters, don’t hesitate to contact us - just dial 1.877.813.7799, and a friendly customer care representative will be happy to help you out as you try to find the best mobility scooter for rough terrain!