The topic of whether or not antibacterial soap is safe for use on a piercing is an important one. Self-piercing is a simple and secure option. A new piercing is safe to get, but you must take extra care because it’s an open wound.

Questions like: Can I put antibacterial soap or bandage on my piercing? What about using antibacterial soap on my nose piercing? My septum has been recently pierced; is it safe to wash it with antibacterial soap? Can I clean my belly piercing with antibacterial soap or a hand sanitizer wipe? Are addressed in detail in the below article.

Is it OK to use soap on my piercing?

It would be best if you used soap to clean the piercing because it prevents the spread of germs and bacteria at the piercing site. Once or twice a day, use an antibacterial soap without aroma to clean the piercing. To clean the piercing, use soap with antibacterial or antimicrobial agents.

Is it possible for soap to infect a piercing?

Soap will not cause an infection in a piercing. It’s possible for bacteria on your hands to go to your piercing even though your hands look clean. Itching or infection are possible outcomes. You can wash most germs away by washing your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and hot running water.

Can I wash my piercing with antibacterial soap?

Yes, you can use antibacterial soap on the piercing. It will not harm your piercing in any way. Warm water and antibacterial soap wash away bacteria, dust, and germs from the piercing. Blend it up and dab some cloth/clinic supplies on the piercing.

What about using antibacterial soap on my nose piercing?

You can use antibacterial soap on your nose, yes. To clean your nose piercing, use a solution of antibacterial soap and warm water in a ratio of 50%. Getting a nose piercing is a difficult and unpleasant process, so proceed with caution.

Can I wash my belly button piercing with antibacterial soap?

If you have a belly button piercing, you can wash it with antibacterial soap. A belly button piercing can be kept clean with warm water and antibacterial soap. Utilization of the piercing is risk-free. A cotton swab or silicon band-aid is all that’s needed to apply it.

My nipple is freshly pierced; is it safe to wash it with antibacterial soap?

You can wash your nipple piercing with antibacterial soap or hand sanitizer. Use it in warm water, and avoid scented soaps and perfumes when caring for your piercing.

Can I clean my septum piercing with antibacterial soap?

Septum piercing is an excellent opportunity to apply antibacterial soap. When piercing, wash the area with warm water and the most effective antibacterial soap you can find. After a thorough hand washing, pat your skin dry with a clean, soft towel. The spread of germs and bacteria can be avoided by never reusing a cotton swab.

What Causes Piercing Infections?

Swelling, redness, and itching are all symptoms of an infected piercing. Blood, yellow, green, or white pus may occasionally drain from the puncture if not treated by any wound cleaners

Ears, noses, and other orifices are pierced by millions of individuals. These methods are generally safe. Minor discomfort and infections are normal reactions to new piercings. The vast majority of illnesses promptly clear up without any significant problems.

In some instances, the open incision left by a fresh piercing may not close for weeks. Infection can occur if any bacteria or germs enter the incision at this time.

What Should You Avoid When Getting a Piercing?

The therapies listed below should not be used for piercing. Don’t take anyone’s advice on these cures because they can lead to discomfort and infection.

  • Don’t fiddle with or tinker with your jewelry.
  • During your therapy, you must refrain from mouth contact, rough play, and exposure to bodily fluids.
  • Avoid getting any cosmetic or personal care items near the piercings. Lotions, cosmetics, and scented body sprays are included in this category.
  • You should avoid soiled piercings at all costs. It could lead to skin drying out and scars.
  • Avoid getting the piercing wet. It includes oceans, seas, ponds, lakes, pools, hot tubs, and water parks.
  • You can use a Tegaderm waterproof bandage or antifungal cream to prevent water from entering the piercing.
  • Be patient and wait for the piercing to heal before adding charms or jewelry.

Consult the Professionals

After getting your piercing done, Online incontinence retailer AvaCare Medical professionals will provide detailed advice on keeping it clean and healthy. We will gladly answer all of your queries before and after the piercing. You don’t have to give up your lifestyle if you use the correct combination of AvaCare Medical’s expert advice, protective goods, and exercise. For a free consultation about high-quality incontinence products, call us at 1.877.813.7799.