In a recent poll question posed to a group of elderly citizens, men and women shared the things they were never told – but may have liked to have been told – about growing old, about experiencing changes every day and struggling with a body that doesn’t always feel like their own.


Here are some of their replies:

George shared that no one had told him – and he probably wouldn’t have believed anyone who had told him – that he would end up with severe disability. He also never imagined that he could feel cold when it was 70° outside.

“I was never told that I would have problems getting out of my chair,” says Jake. “I had no idea that I would lose my flexibility and mobility.”

Amanda gave her perspective on growing old as a woman: “I wish I would have known that my body would start feeling different, that it would feel like it’s falling apart, after menopause. I have to work really hard to keep my body going; daily exercise and healthy eating is crucial for my well-being. I know I could take estrogen to replace the estrogen I’ve lost during menopause, but that’s a trade-off I’m not willing to make, since it significantly increases the risk of cancer – especially breast cancer.”

“I thought that when I got older I’d finally get to use my wings and fly in whatever direction I chose,” said Gloria. “Nobody told me that I’d have to spend my old age taking care of my parents, husband and grown children.”

Richard adds, “I never thought I’d be the one sitting in a transport chair, being pushed by my youngest son, totally dependent on others to get out of the house and go places. It’s hard to describe the feeling of your body slowly shutting down and refusing orders, leaving you more and more dependent on your loved ones and less and less capable of doing the things you want to do. Inside, I’m still a 20-something year old; I still want to dance and run and play on the baseball team – but on the outside, I’m an old, nearly-blind man wearing adult diapers and muttering under my breath. Old age isn’t bad – it has its good times, too, but no one can say it’s easy being old.”

To add your thoughts on what it’s really like to age, please contact us or comment below – we’d love to hear from you!

And remember, no matter what the future has in store for you, you’ll never be as young and healthy as you are now, so take advantage and make the most of your time, collecting as many happy memories as you can to savor as you grow old.