The morning might be one of the most difficult aspects of being a caretaker for someone who has incontinence. It can be physically and emotionally pressing to wake up to your loved one’s damp bed each day. No one enjoys washing and changing bedding every day, and knowing that your loved one is in pain can be discouraging. Incontinence is a common reason for older people being admitted to long-term care facilities.


Prevention is the key to dealing with this issue. Having the proper incontinence products on hand will go a long way toward keeping the bed dry and your loved one comfortable. Remember that layers are your ally. They’ll help minimize leaks to a bare minimum and make cleanup a breeze.


What are the causes of bedwetting for seniors at night?


Consult an expert if you have begun wetting the bed as an adult. You might hear them refer to your problem as nocturnal enuresis, the medical term. Some of the possible causes include:


  • Bladder overactivity


As for seniors who are ready to pee, their bladder muscles generally contract. These muscles squeeze too much or at the wrong times in bladder overactivity. Disposable urinals are well needed when it comes to this.


  • Small enough


Seniors’ bladders aren’t big enough to hold enough urine. Pee can leak if there isn’t enough room for the bladder to hold on. Drinking too much water will greatly affect the right amount of natural storage for seniors and must be kept well free.


  • Medicine


Some medications, such as sleep tabs or antipsychotics, can irritate the bladder. Some of the most effective medicine for an incontinence elder is Clozapine and Risperidone. Both Clozapine and Risperidone are drugs that are used to treat schizophrenia. 


  • Kidneys producing method.


Seniors’ kidneys produce more urine than usual. A hormone called ADH instructs the kidneys to produce less urine and produce less of it at night. They may not deliver sufficiently of this hormone in their kidneys and may not respond properly to it if they have bedwetting problems. Diabetes insipidus, a kind of diabetes that causes more urine production, also impacts ADH levels. To check the ADH level, use a glucose meter.


Highest-quality incontinence products for seniors


Incontinence is a situation that numerous people face as they grow older. Fortunately, there are various devices available to assist elders with incontinence. Here are some of the highest-quality incontinence products for seniors available.



A bed pad is an absorbent pad that sits on top of the bedsheets and is made of cotton and polyester. Even if the older adult has nighttime incontinence, it keeps the sheets dry. This practical item might save you from having to wash bedding every night.



Adult diapers are another alternative for dealing with incontinence during the day. These diapers are available in various styles, types, and sizes. Adult diapers allow seniors to acquire the exact size and absorbency they require. They are also quite quiet. Seniors can go out in public or stay at home and stay dry and comfortable all day.



If a senior does not like having something on their sheets while sleeping, you can use a mattress protector. It is an absorbent, fitted bed pad that fits under the usual sheet and covers the entire mattress. The sheets will catch all the wet from the mattress preventing it from becoming wet.



Disposable bed pads are an excellent solution for seniors who do not want to wash a reusable bed pad. You can use it to cover the entire mattress or only the region where a senior sleeps. Each night, a new bed pad can be placed on the bed and then discarded in the morning. Easy Peasy!



Only men are allowed to use this clamp. A catheter clamp works by squeezing the urethra of a guy to prevent leaks, and this clamp is reusable and may be used at any time, making it a cost-effective and environmentally beneficial solution.



Regular daytime diapers are less absorbent than overnight undergarments. They’re ideal for evening use because they retain more drink. Most elderly individuals do not want to wake up several times during the night to change a diaper or leak.



Our senior ladies have not been forgotten! A Theraputty can aid in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles in older women. It may assist in preventing some of the leakages caused by weak pelvic floor muscles.


Tips to keep your elderly dry at night


Whether you’re caring for incontinent loved ones or looking for strategies for yourself, these strategies can perform on their own or even nicely together. These suggestions can be useful while learning how to deal with senior incontinence.


  • Avoid liquids that irritate the bladder.


Avoiding the types of liquids that irritate the bladder is one of the most constant ways to reduce the intensity of the problem. You may have observed that caffeine and alcohol make it worse – this isn’t by chance. Nutritional drinks and shakes are much better to take. Here are some of the most frequent bladder-irritating beverages to stay away from:

  • Caffeine
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Alcohol
  • Artificially sweetened drinks
  • Acidic beverages, like orange or grapefruit juice
  • Tomato-based drinks


  • Voiding of time


This method for dealing with nighttime incontinence entails gradually increasing the time between urinations. You’re conditioning the bladder like any other muscle in the body. Setting up bedwetting alarms may help you with this problem.


It is accomplished by regularly emptying the bladder and progressively increasing the interval between voids. While results may take up to three months to appear, it is a solution for you or your loved one to deal with incontinence.


  • Drink plenty of water


It may seem counterintuitive, but not drinking enough water might make nighttime incontinence worse. Dehydrated, concentrated pee irritates the bladder more than well-hydrated urine. The key to controlling this illness is consuming a healthy amount of the proper liquids rather than restricting yourself entirely. Try some nutritional food and drinks to help you recover liquids your body releases every time you pee.


Final Thoughts


Companies are developing fantastic solutions to absorb pee from nighttime incontinence since incontinence is more visible. Use whichever pad is most comfortable for you. There’s something for everyone, whether a reusable mattress pad so you don’t have to sleep in a box or disposable briefs. There are many great things out there; the trick is finding the ones suitable for you.

Be patient with yourself, be patient with your loved one, and seek help and answers to concerns as you learn to cope with the changes that aging might bring. Always keep in mind that you are not alone. Please make an appointment with us here at AvaCare Medical today! For more information, please email us here at or contact us here at 1-877-813-7799.