Hand sanitizers have become an essential part of our lives. From public spaces to the hand sanitizers in our cars or bags – hand sanitizers are a go-to- tool for preventing the spread of infection. A good quality hand sanitizer is made to kill 99.99% of germs and bacteria. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer can rapidly help get rid of germs from our hands, especially when we don’t have access to soap and water. It is a must-have to carry around to kill unwanted germs. 

Can hand sanitizer expire?

Yes, hand sanitizer does expire. Hand sanitizers typically last for 2 to 3 years if stored under the right conditions, as mentioned on the bottle. Such as in a cool, dark place with the lid tightly shut. 

Does expired hand sanitizer work? 

The content of alcohol in a hand sanitizer decreases with time; therefore, it also loses effectiveness. Hand sanitizers should contain at least 60% alcohol to be effective against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. So, when a hand sanitizer expires, it will work less efficiently. 

Can I safely use a hand sanitizer after it has expired?

The packaging of your hand sanitizer comes with an expiration date. The expiration date is typically printed on the top or back of the hand sanitizer. As regulated by the Food and Drug Administration law, hand sanitizers must have an expiration date and lot number printed. 

The expiration date shows the time the testing has confirmed that the active ingredients used are stable and effective. A hand sanitizer typically expires within 2 to 3 years. However, sanitizers past their expiration date may still be effective only if the active ingredient is alcohol. Even if the concentration of alcohol drops below the original percentage, though the product is less effective or ineffective, it is not dangerous to use. 

Although hand sanitizers may still work after they have expired, it is best to use them within the expiration date. It is because the hand sanitizer may be less effective after its expiration date. 

How much hand sanitizer should you use?

You should use enough hand sanitizer to cover the entire surface of your hands for its disinfecting properties to work. It is recommended that an adult should use a coin-sized amount of hand sanitizer, whereas a smaller amount is sufficient for children since they have smaller hands. One pump of a 500 ml bottle of hand sanitizer should be enough for adults. 

Is too much sanitizer harmful?

Using more than the recommended amount of hand sanitizer can cause the skin to dry out. Doctors further recommend only using hand sanitizer when you don’t have access to soap and water. Also, dry skin is more likely to pick up bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Cracked and chapped skin is exposed to potential infection. 

How often should you use hand sanitizer?

You can use a hand sanitizer as often as needed to keep your hands clean, especially when you don’t have access to soap and water. However, if you have sensitive skin prone to becoming dry, use a moisturizing hand sanitizer or a moisturizer afterward. 


Hand sanitizers are an alternative to washing hands when you don’t have access to soap and water. You can use hand sanitizers without needing to rinse your hands afterward. The hand sanitizer will evaporate within a few seconds, leaving the hands dry and clean. 

AvaCare Medical has various FDA-approved hand sanitizers, hand sanitizer wipes, and travel-sized mini hand sanitizers recommended for killing germs. You can also reach out to our customer service representatives for any inquiries about the products. For a free consultation about high-quality hand sanitizers, call us at 1.877.813.7799.