For many people with limited mobility or disabilities, their mobility scooter acts as the only way they can travel around freely. It is therefore imperative that you take good care of it, just like how people take good care of their cars. There can be a lot of wear and tear with mobility scooters with continued use, just as is the case with cars.  To ensure that you do not have to face the situation where you are stranded on the road with a faulty electric mobility scooter, here are some handy tips you can follow to ensure your scooter remains in working conditions throughout.

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Read the Manual Carefully

This may seem an easy step which should not be here, but you need to read the manual carefully to understand what the manufacturer of your mobility scooter expects you to do to ensure smooth working of the scooter. Here, the manufacturer will give you a recommended period when the scooter needs to be given for servicing and when you need to change the batteries for it based on your usage pattern.

Get the Scooter Regularly Inspected

As mentioned in the point above, your manufacturer will tell you how often you need to maintain your scooter. You then need to ensure that the scooter is properly inspected from a registered mechanic to see if everything is working and if everything is in order or not. The mechanic will also let you know of potential issues and how to tackle it accordingly. If the problem is serious, you can decide what to do with it or in the worst case, buy a new scooter altogether.

Battery Maintenance

Without the batteries your portable mobility scooter is useless. Therefore before buying, you need to ask how long you have to charge your batteries to ensure that the scooter works properly. Some manufacturers require you to completely discharge your batteries before charging them while others can be charged whenever needed. Do confirm this when you buy your mobility scooter.

Whatever you do, ensure you do not overcharge your batteries. Instead, you can charge it for a specific time period or keep checking when you charge it to ensure that it is fully charged.


You need to ensure that your mobility scooter is well cleaned and looked after. It should be free of dirt and debris. A soft and damp cloth is enough for cleaning the outsides while the insides can be cleaned with appropriate cleaners. You should also get the bottom of the scooter regularly cleaned.

Check the Tires

Just like how a car’s tires need to be checked, a mobility scooters tires need to be checked to ensure there are no problems with it in future. The air pressure should be at optimum levels so that the scooter can work as expected.


Ensuring that your mobility scooter is well looked after can increase the life of the scooter. This also prevents the scooters from any glitches or breakdowns which can make you stranded anywhere on the road. Do follow these tips to ensure you have your scooter working well always.

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