Skin wounds require immediate protection to prevent risks of infection and to ensure you’re left with minimal scarring once the wound heals up.

Natural ingredients work best in protecting wounds. They infuse the wound with active properties to speed up healing and help prevent scarring.

In this article, we’ll share 6 tips that will help you care for your skin wounds safely and effectively.

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Disinfect the Area

The first thing you’re to do is to thoroughly clean the area to ensure there are no bacteria that will enter the wound and cause infection.

You can do this at home by dipping a piece of gauze in some apple cider vinegar and gently wiping the area down with it.

Soothe and Repair

Once you disinfect the wound area, you need to apply ingredients specifically designed to infuse the wound with necessary vitamins and antioxidants, such as organic aloe vera. These will fight inflammation, soothe pain, and aid in wound healing. A sterile cotton swab should be used to apply it to the area.

Take your Vitamins

It’s just as important to ensure your body is fighting off infection from the inside too.

Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that will help reduce inflammation and speed up healing from the inside out!

Keep it Covered

To ensure no bacteria can enter your wound while it’s still in the healing stages, it must be kept it covered with either a sterile wound dressing, band-aid or bandage, depending on the size of the area infected.

Change your Dressings Regularly

This is essential to the wound care process, and will allow your wound to clear up in minimal time.

Change your dressings at least twice a day, or more frequently if the area gets damp. Follow the three steps; disinfect, soothe, and repair, and then apply your wound dressing.

Provide Proper Aftercare

Once your wound is fully healed, you may notice the area is quite pink. This is just an indication that fresh, delicate new skin has formed over the wound, and the area should be treated with utmost care. You may also find that you have mild scarring, so it’s important to use ingredients that won’t only soothe and hydrate, but will also lighten the appearance of scars.

Aside from aloe, which is a top ingredient to use for aftercare since it’s filled with vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and amino acids, plant-based oils like coconut, Vitamin E and sweet almond oil will also keep the skin healthy.

By following these tips, you’ll be doing your best to keep your wounds protected and bacteria-free so your wounds can heal quickly with minimal discomfort and scarring.

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