Cancer treatment is a long and unpleasant process, and, unfortunately, it doesn’t end with the stay in the hospital. The ordeal continues and is compounded by the financial burden that many sufferers have to carry during their battle with cancer.

The list of unexpected costs for cancer care is endless. It goes beyond treatment, and the cancer patient can wind up finding it difficult to make ends meet. The financial burden has a negative effect on the mental and physical welfare of a cancer sufferer. Many patients stop treatment or cut corners in filling their prescriptions because they can’t afford it.

Most cancer patients don’t know the costs involved in treatments are crucial to quality care.

Health care professionals can provide financial counseling to patients and family members to come up with the best decisions possible. By increasing knowledge about their financial situation, they will know about healthcare costs and they can compare this with the limits of their insurance coverage. Any excess will be considered as an out-of-pocket expense and shouldered by the patient. Beforehand, the patient can talk to a financial advisor or seek the help of a social worker to cover expenses for the treatment. They can approach some pharmaceutical companies or organizations for aid if there are assistance programs offered.

Homecare Products for People with Cancer

The expansion of the Medicaid plans provided millions of Americans with cancer access to health care coverage and to vital tests like mammograms, colonoscopies and other cancer screenings. While Medicaid slashes treatment costs, you need to own a money tree to cope with expenses. Use the savings to defray expenditures in your home treatment.

Here are some products that were designed to help home care.

Homecare Bedroom Supplies

Aids for Daily Living (ADLs)

  • Reachers or Grabbers to help patients grab things
  • Dressing aids to help put on and remove clothing and shoes
  • Velcro buttons for easier closure and opening
  • Lamp switches with extended cords to switch the light on or off
  • Pill dispensers, cutters, and crushers
  • Wide-toothed comb to avoid hair pulling
  • Eye droppers that are suitable for cancer patients
  • Clean teeth with a soft bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste without whitening or tartar control.
  • Mild shampoo for washing one’s hair
  • Water-based cream for dry skin
  • Utensils and dishes should be washed in hot, soapy water

Caregivers of Cancer Patients

A family member or a dear friend can assist as a caregiver throughout the cancer treatment. This will help alleviate financial pressures, since it will prevent the patient from having to pay the salary of a private caregiver.

Be ready to assist with daily activities such as doctor visitation, meal preparation, hygiene care, and other personal needs. Most of all, be that someone they can turn to for emotional and spiritual support.

Part of The Cancer Care Team

You are part of the cancer care team made up of family relatives and friends, medical staff, and the patient. Often, you are the person who knows the condition of the patient. Caregivers keep track of giving medication, managing adverse effects, reporting problems, and reporting if a treatment is working.

Problem Solver

A caregiver can help the patient deal with challenges, and get the better of any problems that occur.

Takes Care of Day-to-day Chores

Caregivers help the person do things, and often, they do them for the person. This includes paying bills, calling a doctor for about new problems, and many other things. These people often put the patient’s well-being above their own.

Planning in Case of Force Majeure Situations

When you are diagnosed with cancer, life stands still. As you deal with the realities of cancer, you’ll be surprised that your rights from employment to financial privileges are not protected. During treatment there might be legal problems coming from the manager, HMO, and benefits from the government. A guardianship attorney will protect those rights as you battle the ailment and recover your health.

Discrimination in the Workplace

During cancer treatment a patient needs additional time off to pursue medical care and to recover after medical procedures. There are employers who less understand these needs and pose problems to employees afflicted with cancer. There are federal and state laws that protect cancer patients from discrimination. If your rights were violated, you have options.

Insurance And Medical Issues

The Affordable Care Act made it easier for cancer patients to get the prescribed treatment by their doctors. According to this act, insurance providers must not:

  • Put lifetime restrictions on a person’s treatment
  • Charge on covered benefits
  • Remove coverage because of cancer or blunders in the application
  • Deny treatment because of previous conditions
  • Require holding periods over 90 days

If you feel that your HMO is violating your rights or your care team is not providing the proper medical attention for your needs, there are legal remedies to address the situation.

Estate Planning

Being struck by a disease like cancer will make you stop and think about your end-of-life plan. Although you want to beat cancer, this serious disease will make you ponder what the future holds for your loved ones when you are gone.

Talk to an attorney and have these estate plans in place:

  • A last will and testament lays out how your possessions and obligations will be handled when you’re gone.
  • Trust documentation protects your substantial assets from probate court and end-of-life taxes.
  • Advanced Directive tells your medical team your wishes if you cannot tell them yourself.