Taking care of our body’s wounds is similar to keeping wheelchairs tires in good shape or getting regular tune-ups for mobility scooters. We run the danger of serious repercussions such as hematoma, amputation, gangrene, or even death if we choose to ignore indications of an injury or make decisions that aggravate our injury, especially if our body has trouble healing.


We may protect our body from harmful chronic wounds and get back to normal living by taking notes on the reason for having one, avoiding and treating a wound that won’t heal.


Does a chronic wound heal?


Chronic wounds are best defined as those that do not heal in an orderly and predictable manner or wounds that do not heal within 3 months. Chronic wounds are frequently left in the inflammatory stage for much too long, and they may never recover or bear years to do so. 


Persons with chronic wounds frequently indicate that pain is the most important factor in their life. The biggest issue for patients with chronic ulcers is persistent discomfort and difficulty in walking without some help from mobility aids. Many wounds do not offer a barrier to the body’s natural ability to heal; nevertheless, other wounds may be difficult due to the severity of the wounds or the individuals’ poor health.


Why are some wounds not healing?


There isn’t just one cause why have sores or a wound won’t heal. Non-healing wounds are caused by a combination of variables in most patients. Here are some of the reasons why a wound doesn’t heal:


  • Poor circulation flow


Non-healing wounds are made worse by poor circulation, which is often a direct result of diabetes. Only adequate blood circulation allows red blood cells to supply nutrients to wounds. Wounds become prone to infection and insufficient nutrients needed to heal when circulation is slowed by diabetes or another health condition. A cut that isn’t getting enough blood will take at least twice as long to recover – if it can heal.


  • Nutritional issues


Because mending tissue is a calorie-intensive process, poor eating habits can delay wound healing. Eating not enough protein won’t be able to maintain the physiological systems necessary for wound healing. It’s recommended that eating twice as much protein as the wound heals to encourage proper kidney function and internal healing. Eggs, dairy products, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, and legumes are high in protein foods. You should also take some nutritional foods and drinks to help you regain some protein in your body.


  • Diabetes and high blood sugar


Because diabetes interferes with the body’s normal healing mechanism, it is the core cause of many wounds that do not heal. That’s why some people are prompt in dealing with this by using some diabetes care products. Any wound on the body will cause a natural response of blood flow, scabbing, and clotting if the blood sugar is healthy and balanced. This procedure defends the underlying tissues against bacteria and infection. The neighboring blood arteries also spring into action to offer new oxygen and nutrients to the site, allowing powerful white blood cells to help the wound heal quickly.


  • Inadequate wound care


Aside from the underlying causes of chronic wounds, such as diabetes and poor circulation, poor wound care can quickly worsen high-risk wounds and halt the healing process.


  • Ineffective wound care


Dressing the wounds may appear to be a simple task, but it is an important part of the healing process. Limiting the spread of infection, addressing fluid outflow, and assisting in tissue repair, each type of wound has its specific non-adhesive dressing. It’s possible to injure the surrounding skin if it doesn’t properly dress the wound.


  • Inadequate infection control


Infection, which manifests as redness, warmth, discomfort, and swelling in open wounds, is quite common. The longer bacteria have an increase, the harder it is for a wound to recover correctly. Before any wound has a chance of long-term recovery, we must treat it for infection with antibiotics and wound dressings.


How to treat a non-healing wound


A prescription for antibiotics and septics isn’t enough to treat a wound that won’t heal. We must use a holistic strategy that considers all factors influencing the body’s healing ability.


  • Taking control of the blood sugar


Given the link between diabetes and non-healing wounds, keeping the blood sugar in check is critical. Working with the doctor to manage diabetes through medication, diet, and exercise changes can significantly improve the effectiveness of the body’s natural wound-healing and immune systems. It’ll increase the body’s wound-healing response and protect oneself against non-healing diabetic wounds if it can optimize the function of red, white blood cells and the general circulatory system.


  • Infection control


Infection can affect any wound, but non-healing wounds are particularly vulnerable. It’s critical to stick to prescribed antibiotic and septic treatments and disregard all possible infection sources, including public pools. Following the right wound-dressing strategy will also help protect the wound from germs and lower the risk of infection.


  • Seek the advice of experts


Wound care specialists have received advanced training in wound care strategies and will use wound care therapies that regular doctors are not educated or certified to undertake. They will assess the unique circumstances and recommend the most specific treatment plan and procedures.


  • Taking up supplements


Certain nutrients, dietary and nutrition supplements, have been demonstrated to aid wound healing. These nutrients are in scarce reserve in the average diet. Injury raises the demand for the amino acid arginine required for various metabolic functions. Arginine also boosts the cell-mediated resistant response and safeguards against bacterial infections.


Final Thoughts


A non-healing wound isn’t like an ear infection that goes away after one does medicine. It’s a serious and complicated ailment that necessitates long-term holistic treatment. Finding an expert wound care doctor who can help you with your non-healing wounds is critical.

AvaCare Medical provides cutting-edge products that can help you with many things, too many to mention. We also address your specific medical needs and allow you to live your life without the limitations and dangers of unhealed wounds. For more information about our products, you’re welcome to visit our website or contact us through email at info@avacaremedical.com or call us here at 1-877-813-7799.